Project Dogwaffle is an illustration and design tool. Version 1.2 is the latest free version of this application. Version 2 is distributed commercially, and it has several new features. The free version, however, is not, by any means, a waste of time. For a free illustration tool, it has a variety of filters and drawing tools for both the beginner and the illustration master.
Like most illustration tools, Project Dogwaffle gives you a canvas in which you can express your imagination, and there is a panel with all the tools that you can use. You can pick from a variety of drawing tools, but there are also several effects and filters that you can apply to your drawing in real time. You have access to a basic color palette and tools that allow you to draw basic shapes.
Although, this is not as complete as other solutions like Photoshop or Corel, you can still create high quality, photorealistic images with it. On the main website, there is an embedded Youtube video that shows someone drawing with Project Dogwaffle. They've managed to create a nice view of grass and clouds with a sun shinning on the back. I was amazed by how much you can do with a free tool like this. Of course, it all depends on your skills and imagination, but there are some basic tutorials on the website for you to learn the basics.
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